Key figures

Key figures

Transparency is a key value at Asga. This is why we attach a great deal of importance to communicating our business performance and key figures clearly, precisely and with a transparent timeline.

Funded status / 31.12.24 — unaudited
0 %
Insured persons / 30.09.2023 — audited
Member firms / 30.09.2024 — audited

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Performance since 01.01. of the calendar year, unaudited.

As of 1st of October 2024:
Interest on free assets: 0,97 %
Interest on employer contribution reserves: 0,97 %

1st of  July 2024 until 30st September 2024:
Interest on free assets: 1,21 %
Interest on employer contribution reserves: 1,21 %

Maximum annual AHV/AVS retirement pension29’40029’400
Minimum annual AHV/AVS retirement pension14’70014’700
Occupational pension benefits (BVG/LPP)20232024
Minimum annual salary (minimum entry threshold)22’05022’050
Coordination deduction25’72525’725
Upper limit88’20088’200
Maximum co-ordinated salary62’47562’475
Minimum co-ordinated salary3’6753’675
Minimum BVG/LPP interest rate1,00 %1,25 %
Conversion rate at BVG/LPP retirement age (men)6,80 %6,80 %
Conversion rate at BVG/LPP retirement age (women)6,80 %6,80 %
Tied pillar 3a private pension plan20232024
Maximum permitted tax deduction for contributions to recognised pension plans:
If a member of a 2nd pillar occupational benefits institution7’0567’056
If not a member of a 2nd pillar occupational benefits institution35’28035’280

Key figures as of 30.09.2024

Member firms18'755
Insured persons173'345
Retirement pensioners14'750
Partner pensioners1'290
IV/AI disability pensions2'781
Divorced pensioners21
Interest1,25 %
Funded status118,99 %


No Data Found

Interest on retirement assets

No Data Found

Actuarial interest rate

No Data Found


No Data Found

Balance sheet total

No Data Found

Ratio of active insureds to pensioners

No Data Found