Energy Management System
Real estate
If your employer terminates your employment relationship after you have reached age 58, the option of voluntary continued insurance is available to you. The advantages? You remain protected against the risks of death and disability, you can continue making savings contributions and increase your retirement lump-sum capital, as well as profit from above-average interest.
As an insured, you have the option of at least continuing the risk insurance (disability and death) or additionally the retirement planning (savings process). The total contributions (employee and employer contributions) will be borne by you as the insured. The contributions break down as follows:
To get a general idea of the annual costs, please consult your current insurance certificate. You will find the relevant amounts listed under the headings risk contribution, savings contribution and administrative costs.
For detailed information, please consult the following information sheet:
Please submit your application for voluntary continued insurance and for any changes using the following forms:
Real estate
Real estate, Capital investments, Capital investments, Real estate
Employee, Employer
Capital investments, Real estate